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E-Invoice Processing System

Create and send your invoices in a seconds.

E-Invoice Processing

E-Invoice Processing

Construction jobs can take months and many hours of labor to complete. An invoice is a document a contractor, sub, or supplier sends to their customer when payment is owed for work performed. A detailed invoice helps your client understand exactly what is included in the final payment. Invoices establish a payment obligation, thereby creating an account receivable. Essentially, it’s a written record of the purchase agreement. Invoicing is what keeps the cash flowing and the amount of sales tax as required by the Canada Revenue Agency.

BuildersMeet cloud-based invoice processing software is designed to increase the credibility and effectiveness of construction jobs and eliminate the hassle of issuing paper invoices.

BuildersMeet E-Invoice Processing System

BuildersMeet knows how creating a professional invoice could effectively get construction businesses paid on time.

Small construction businesses mostly prefer to spend more time on their field plans that are interested them than on official tasks. Invoice creation and transaction is a time-consuming and essential duty for them. BuildersMeet knows its customers are deserved to manage their business simply and confidently.

In this process, users break their services or products into the ones being delivered at an actual price, and in the end, they have an Itemized list of products or services with their unit rate for invoice creation.

BuildersMeet has embedded a Central Customer Database for businesses which it is called in BuildersMeet's different solutions and products. In “E-Invoice Processing Product” Businesses reach their defined customers through a central database and can make changes in the database by adding or editing clients. Businesses can find the central database in “Builders Meet Marketing Solution” as a base for Customer Relationship Management(CRM) and other products like “Email Marketing Tool”, too.

Any new invoice will issue by filling in Required information such as client’s data that easily comes from the customer’s database, invoice status, invoice date, due days, services or products delivered, quantity, rate, payment method, etc. So, by defining all items, the invoice issuing process automatically goes done and the total price, tax, and discounts are calculated in detail. Once the invoice status becomes “complete”, it is possible to send the invoice via email to the client or print and send it physically. All the invoices under a business name are listed for business owners to be managed.

The business owners can define the currency, tax-id, the start point of the invoice numbers for the financial year and receiving method. Many ways to pay the invoice can be defined including e-transfer, Account deposit, Cash, and By cheque. These payment methods that are shown at the bottom of each invoice, is available to be selected by the users.


  • With BuildersMeet invoice processing software, users prepare their customer’s invoices anywhere and anytime. They can print it or send it online.

  • Integrated with the Virtual Store system Suppliers issue their customer invoices through this tool in their digital store, specifically.

  • Integrated with the Digital File Library. This means that in addition to creating and trading, all types of construction businesses organize their invoice documents in a cloud-based classified library.

BuildersMeet follows the freemium strategy for pricing this product. Users don’t need to pay for the BuildersMeet E-Invoice Processing tool. This software is a part of the BuildersMeet Business Profile solution. As long as you publish your business profile, this software plus lots of other solutions would be free.

BuildersMeet hopes to be a real solution for its valuable customers to earn more than they pay.

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