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Targeted Advertising

Advertisement in the Right Place.


Builders Meet Social Media

Builders Meet is a professional community around North America, brought construction people and jobs together in a virtual Social Network.

The main characteristic of this is the classification of businesses in their activity areas based on the BuildersMeet standard classifications system.

A defined business profile could access to effective connections with their relevant audiences in their specific marketplace.

Builders Meet offers a marketing channel to its clients. Besides, they could target their customers with the specific BuildersMeet solutions.

Targeted Advertising

Targeted advertising is one of the most result-driven online advertising that focuses on the specific traits, interests, and preferences of a consumer.

This type of advertising, that is directed towards an audience with certain traits, based on the product or person the advertiser is promoting.

BuildersMeet as a community consisting of construction related businesses and people, who demand or provide construction products or services in a classified manner, dedicated best advertising opportunities to suppliers and providers.

Now, if you are looking for a right place to present and improve your business, we invite you to use our Targeted Advertising solution to help your business growth.


  • Advertise in the best place

  • Advertise at the right time

  • Use Builders Meet Valuable reports and analysis to lead your marketing

  • Retargeted advertising for people who visited you in Builders Meet

  • Various types of Ads

  • Integrated with Deal Maker Solution

  • Integrated with Business Profile Solution

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