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Empowering Small & Medium Construction Businesses with BuildersMeet

Empowering Small & Medium Construction Businesses with BuildersMeet
Icon BuildersMeet Gold

Empowering Small & Medium

Small & Medium

Construction Businesses

with BuildersMeet

Creating a supportive community and innovative solutions for a sustainable construction industry

Creating a supportive community and innovative solutions for a sustainable construction industry.

BuildersMeet Inc. is dedicated to empowering small construction businesses across Canada with innovative, AI-powered tools and a supportive community, driving stability and sustainability in the industry.

Our Mission

BuildersMeet Mission

At BuildersMeet Inc., our mission is to help small construction businesses in Canada overcome their challenges, achieve stability, and contribute to a robust and sustainable economy.

Recognizing that over 97.8% of businesses in the construction sector are small businesses ( Key Small Business Statistics 2023), we provide advanced, AI-powered tools and foster a supportive community. Our commitment to eco-friendliness leads our community to reduce the carbon footprint in the construction industry.

Our Vision

BuildersMeet Vision

Our vision is to create a future where every small construction business in Canada thrives through the use of advanced technology.

By enhancing stability and sustainability, we aim to positively impact the broader Canadian economy. Our solutions help reduce operational costs and secure better deals, ensuring a collaborative community of professionals who innovate and succeed together.

Icon BuildersMeet

A new era of generative AI. Built for Builders, Contractors, Suppliers, Realtors, Service Providers.

We Support the Construction Related Businesses with Integrated AI-Powered Software & Solutions

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Who We Are

BuildersMeet who we are

BuildersMeet Inc. is a leading SaaS provider dedicated to the construction industry.

Our platform offers a comprehensive suite of tools designed to address the unique challenges faced by construction businesses.

We bring valuable experience in software and business development, coupled with strong educational backgrounds in civil engineering and environmental management.

Our Story

BuildersMeet our story

BuildersMeet Inc. was born out of the realization that many construction businesses struggle with project management, estimating costs, and connecting with suppliers. These pain points inspired the creation of a solution to make these processes seamless and efficient.

Since our inception, we have grown into a trusted partner for construction businesses across Canada and beyond.

Our team's expertise in software development, business management, civil engineering, and environmental management allows us to provide innovative and effective solutions tailored to the needs of small construction businesses.

Need more help? Browse our informative documents.

How Joining a B2B Community Boosts Housing Businesses

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Audit your construction business digital maturity

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Tips for planning your budget to elevate your online identity

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